Postpartum Essentials

It’s been a couple of years since I’ve given birth. While some days I feel far removed from those first days of newborn life, I still remember what products helped me the most in those early days. I also did a podcast episode that included my postpartum essentials here. With the help of friends around me that had done this before and my own research, I felt as prepared as one who had never given birth can be.

My first recommendation is to remember that the hospital will provide you with some items! My hospital provided me with dermoplast, some ice packs, a sitz bath and a peri bottle. So keep in mind that your hospital will provide you with a few basic needs. Everything else on my list are items that I felt helped on top of what they already provided.

Speaking of peri bottles, the hospital did provide one. But, if I could tell you anything- purchase the Frida Mom Peri Bottle. With it’s curved spout, it’s more user friendly. I did keep the peri bottle that the hospital gave me as an extra. I kept one in my main bathroom and one in my guest bathroom so that I was never without. The Frida peri bottle is top tier though! I highly recommend.

Another important item that I would put at the top of my list is postpartum vitamins. I had a postnatal vitamin as well as a Postpartum Mood Support vitamin. Since I had used Pink Stork as my prenatal vitamin, I used the same brand as my postnatal as well! I really liked them. I would highly recommend doing your own research and finding what is best for you! Pink Stork also has a postpartum recovery tea that is wonderful too.

If you want to get really fancy in your postpartum recovery, check out the Frida Mom Postpartum Recovery Kit! This was a splurge for me. It was amazing! However, if I were to do it again, I would probably just purchase some of the items separately. The peri bottle is sold separately anyway. The ice packs in this kit were incredible. The witch hazel foam was great as well. It comes in a handy carrier so it’s easy to move from one place to the next. They also have a C-section Recovery Kit as well!

The part that no one likes to talk about is that we have to wear adult diapers after postpartum. While it’s not glamorous, it’s reality and these are the ones that I had that worked well. To keep everything even more secure feeling, I purchased high waisted underwear. These pairs are great and I highly recommend!

My last recommendation is to take care of yourself during your breast feeding journey. While mine was cut short, I still had the same issues anyone starting out deals with. This breast massager helped ease any of the issues I had. While not a must, this mask also helped temporarily ease the pain I was dealing with!

I hope this list of postpartum essentials helps you! I know postpartum journey can be rough. Know that you aren’t alone in this journey! I hope that these items only make it a little bit easier for you.


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