Fav Winter Self Care Tips

It’s that time of year again. The weather is cold and the air is dry. When the sun shines it feels like a warm welcoming friend I haven’t seen in a while popping by to say hello. November and December were filled with sickness for me and my family. Between my daughter in daycare, the unusually warm December we had mixed with 20 degree mornings, my sinuses and mood were all over the place. When the calendar turns to January and the twinkling of the Christmas lights goes away, it’s easy for me to get bogged down in the hum drum of winter.

This week we’ve had our first very cold snap. It even snowed. I felt that familiar feeling of being a little swirly. We stayed inside a lot, started to not feel good. again. So here are some tips that have helped me in the past and currently to get through these dreaded winter months!

  1. Find ways to make your home cozy

    I love a good candle. They instantly make a room cozier and they smell amazing. I got a couple for Christmas so I’ve been lighting them either at night when I turn down a lot of the lights in our house or first thing in the morning. I also start the day slow with just lamps lit in our home. This allows me to wake up slowly and enjoy the morning. I also enjoy sipping hot coffee or tea. Those are great treats in the morning or in the afternoon. I do decaf tea if I drink it at night all while staying cozy in a blanket or cardigan. Or both. Because why not.

  2. Drink lots of water

    This one can be hard since it’s not hot outside right now. I’m usually reaching for hot tea, coffee or cocoa during this time. But staying hydrated is one of the best ways to stay well and help get over whatever sickness you have. I love to get a little something fun in my water at Sonic. I get cranberry and lemon and it makes the water a nice treat! You could always get a fun flavoring to put in yours at home!

  3. Move your body

    This one has been a struggle for me the last few months. Now that I have an injury on my knee it seems this goals is even further away. I do have a plan in place once I do get my knee back in working order. I have a stationary bike I love to ride. I do the Peloton app with that. I also really enjoy yoga. In the past I have done hot yoga. This is an excellent activity to do during the winter months. It’s cold outside and when you step into a hot yoga studio, I always feel so refreshed. You may want to stick to regular yoga if being hot isn’t your thing! You will sweat I can promise you that!

  4. Treat yourself

    Whether it’s a hot bath or winding down the night with some hot tea or glass of wine, do that! I forget to take time to do a bubble bath. But when I do it’s amazing. I always feel so renewed. I have a little tray I stick across and I put my journal on there and sometimes a book and whatever I want to drink. Sometimes I just watch tik toks on my phone. I know. *insert big eye roll here* It’s my time to relax and unwind. It makes such a difference in how I unwind for bed. I sleep better and the next day I feel better too! Don’t have time for a long, hot bath? Do an eye mask first thing in the morning, go get a fun latte before work! If you’re able to get your partner to watch the kids for a little bit, take a weekend morning and go get breakfast or a coffee by yourself and walk around Target. It doesn’t have to be big. But it will make a big difference in your week.

  5. Make plans

    For me this is crucial. I love being social. It fills me up. But I can also easily slide into staying home. Especially during these pandemic times. During the months of January and February in the past (pre-pandemic), I would invite co-workers and friends over to watch the Bachelor. This was an easy thing to do. It didn’t require much planning. I would usually make a small charcuterie board and do a few fun decorations. It was usually for the season premiere and season finale. One year I did have multiple Bachelor Mondays. It was so fun. I may bring back a finale viewing party this year. We’ll see! We’re also in the middle of planning our anniversary trip. This gives me something to look forward to. I think that helps me get through the cold months ahead is knowing I have trip planned and most likely it will be warm by then. ha!

I hope this list helps. Winter months can be challenging for everyone. Top that off with going into our third year of the pandemic. It can be a lot. Know that you’re not alone if you feel like you’re starting off this year overwhelmed or a little bogged down. We’ve got this. You’re a lot stronger than you know!

xo, kacey


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