Helpful Holiday Tips

It's that time of year again. The time of year where we spend the night in our childhood bedrooms while temporarily living out of a suitcase. The time of year when we wake up at the same time we would for work and have coffee with our parents while the sun rises. The time of year that is filled with making memories but also traveling, being busy and sometimes not taking care of ourselves. 

It all started when I first got engaged. I was in the middle of graduating college, starting my first "big girl job," planning a wedding and then we had several Christmases to go to. In our naivety we tried to please everyone and we didn't set clear expectations at all. Our first Christmas we stretched our selves thin and worried about everything. I have a distinct memory of getting sick in the bathroom of my aunt's house in the middle of dinner. I wish I could blame it on what we ate that night, but it was most definitely the overwhelm of my life changes and decisions mixed with the holiday season that finally caught up to me. 

I tell that story not to complain about how many Christmases we go to. But to say that if the holiday season overwhelms you, you're not alone. And also, you do not have to go through that. You can put things into place to help you get through a busy holiday season. Although I'm by no means perfected this, here are a few tips that I have helped me throughout the years. 

1. Say 'no' when needed

We don't always cut Christmases out. But, if we need to and it's just not physically possible for us to be two places at once, we say no to it. This is never easy. If we communicate our plans ahead of time this allows us to avoid this and/or avoid unmet expectations. Some years it's not possible for you to do it all. Saying no is okay. You can always make a point to for sure not skip the one you skipped the following year. Or do the next holiday there instead. 

2. Bring comforts from home 

If you're staying somewhere from a weekend to a week, you may want to pack your favorite comfort items from home. I once packed my essential oil diffuser and house shoes from home. It was something so small that made a huge difference. Another idea would be to pack your pillow from home, essential oil roller and a robe. This year I think I'm going to bring a face mask and possibly bubble bath.

3. Pack healthy snacks 

With all the holiday food sometimes eating so much bad food can really drag you down. Here me when I say this, I'm not saying don't enjoy the holiday food! I am saying that sometimes during the holidays it feels like it's been days since I've even looked at a vegetable. So I like to pack car snacks that are healthy options. If I'm ever hungry or just feeling like I need a little snack I reach for things such as hummus and veggies, apples, grapes or dried fruit. I also love to bring a water bottle so that I know I'm drinking lots of water and staying hydrated.

4. Take deep breaths 

If you find yourself overwhelmed, take three deep breaths. If you still can't get calm, there is no shame in stepping aside and giving yourself a minute. Slip away to another bedroom or the bathroom. Take a few deep breaths and give yourself a second. Giving yourself a chance to catch your breath and take a few sips of water, helps you reset. If all else fails, you can always leave early or if you're in a place where you feel comfortable (like your parent's or in-laws house), take a quick power nap if you feel like you're just tired!

5. Communicate/Set expectations ahead of time 

This is key to all of this. If holidays are a stressor for you, communicate this with your partner. Come up with a plan to best suit your family's needs (this means you and your partner and children if you have them) and then communicate that with others. It won't always be easy but I promise if you go I with a plan, it helps so much more than just trying to figure it out as you go or last minute. 


In the end, I truly hope that you enjoy your holiday season. Despite my list, I know still It won't be perfect. There will be unmet expectations and days when it's stressful. Remember to do what is best for you and soak in the moments as well. It's easy to focus on the negative but when we sit back and look at the beauty of it all, we also start to enjoy the holidays instead of dread them. 

xo, kacey 


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