Things I’ve learned in my 20s

Here I am about to turn 30. When I was 19 about to turn 20, I was not in a good place. I had just gone through a breakup. I was lonely. I didn’t have a lot of friends in my life. I remember being very sad that day. I wish I could go back and just give that girl a hug and tell her it’s all going to be okay. In fact, it will turn out even better than she expected.

I’ve noticed a lot that in our society we tend to put a lot of pressure on doing things before we turn 30. Have kids before you’re 30. Buy a house before you’re 30. Do all the things before 30. It’s like we think our lives will be over the minute we turn 30. That the coach will turn back into a pumpkin and all the magic will be gone. I am not going to lie and say I didn’t fall into that trap of thinking. As I am turning 30 I am realizing more and more how crazy that concept is. You want to know why? Because your life is not over at 30. It is just moving into a new decade. I don’t know about you, but I am way different than I was when I was 20. I feel like my 20s were very much a growing and learning phase of my life. I am happy to be moving into my 30s a little more settled. So, here’s all the things I’ve learned in my 20s. Please enjoy.

  1. That friendships come and go and doesn’t mean someone doesn’t like you or that person won’t ever come into your life again. But they are in your life for that season for a reason.

  2. Be a friend to everyone. Be kind and love others because life is just too dang short to hold a grudge.

  3. Not everyone is thinking about you. They really don’t care. Not in like a mean or calloused way but in a stop worrying about what people think about you all the time.

  4. Who cares what other people think. It’s your life and you’re doing the best you can.

  5. You’re going to disappoint people but that’s okay.

  6. Admit when you’re wrong, learn from it and move on.

  7. Mornings are my favorite and it’s the best time of day.

  8. It’s okay to wait to do things when you’re ready. Like having kids. It’s your life and you’re the one living it everyday. So don’t make decisions on what other people want for you.

  9. How to cook rice- your husband teaches you this. It’s not as hard as you think.

  10. That being a mom is not as bad as the world/society makes it out to be.

  11. That my body will change but it’s capable of so much- like bringing a child into the world.

  12. How to budget- kind of (haha!)

  13. Say no to some things if you’re tired and need to recharge.

  14. That my favorite color to wear is black and that’s okay to wear it all the time.

  15. But it’s also okay to wear color.

  16. That you can wear a cropped top as long as you have a high enough waisted jean. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  17. That you shouldn’t let getting older freak you out.

  18. That the person you choose to marry and spend the rest of your life needs to be someone that will be with you through health but also sickness and the hard days. You and them will have to pull 50/50 or 80/20 some days. But you both have to work at the relationship and be thinking of the other one.

  19. That how you talk about your significant other to others matters. If you have something negative to say, work it out with them before talking amongst friends or family (unless it’s a dire situation of course).

  20. Communicate with your significant other.

  21. Laughter is truly the best medicine. Find someone you can truly laugh with in life.

  22. Invite people over to your house or to coffee, whatever. Make time for others in your life. You need friendships.

  23. How to use a curling iron. Hot rollers are still a good standby. Curling your hair in 5 minutes will be a game changer.

  24. That going to therapy and/or taking medicine to help is needed at times. Go to therapy. Everyone needs therapy.

  25. Admit when you’re wrong and own up to your mistakes and then move on.

  26. Give yourself grace. You can only do so much in so little time.

  27. To buy yourself a treat at the checkout as a reward for grocery shopping.

  28. That every passion or hobby doesn’t have to turn into a business. You can have passions and hobbies that you just do for fun.

  29. Learn about other people’s perspectives and beliefs. You can’t be all in on one side of something. That gets dangerous.

  30. Surround yourself with people who truly care and believe in your dreams too.


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