Toddler Life

Life with a toddler can be exciting, adventurous and so many other things! It is full of ups and downs and all the things!

In my latest episode, I discuss my practical tips on things that make our life easier with a toddler! Below are my tips I share along with a bonus tip that I didn’t share on the podcast! I’ve also linked the products that I talk about in the episode. Full disclosure, they are commissionable links. If you make a purchase through that link, I receive a portion! Thank you so much for your support!

Snacks, snacks, snacks

We never go empty handed without snacks. So my first tip is to bring snacks with you. One of the easiest ways to carry snacks is by carrying them in a reusable zip lock bag or a snack carrier. The snack carriers we love are these munchkin snack cups. They can put their hand in but the snacks don’t come out! When we go to the store, we usually have snacks on hand and it makes for an easier time! We also really love these cups because they don’t leak or spill.

Coloring Book or Book

Have you ever been waiting on your food at a restaurant with a toddler who doesn’t want to wait? Yeah, us too! That’s why I love bringing these invisible ink coloring books or a book with us! These allow her to color and stay busy without making a mess. I slip one of these in the bag and pull it out just in case. Books also are a great way to keep them entertained. But, I find at this age coloring keeps her focused longer.

Toy Station in Bathtub

This one took us a while to purchase. I regret not doing it sooner. We have this mesh net in our bathtub and we can put toys in there after the bathtub. It’s an easy way to scoop the toys up since the net comes off the hanger. It allows the toys to dry faster without making a mess in the bathtub. The one we love is here.

Make Dinner as Easy as Possible

I worried and worried about how dinner could possibly be a battle for us. Fortunately, it hasn’t been so far. Remembering that things could change in the future, this is what we do now that works for us. Every family is different. So take this with a grain of salt! What we do is offer whatever we are having for dinner. I cut the food or season the food to accommodate of course. But, whatever we are having, our daughter has as well. Usually, she eats it! Sometimes, she just tries it and only eats a few things on the plate, but most of the times she eats most of her meal. I find that this makes dinner way less stressful for us! A few favorites include: pasta, Mac n cheese with broccoli and pizza!

Dance Party

The last tip that I didn’t include on the podcast is have a dance party. Dinner time prep can be hard around our house. It seems like that is the prime time for our daughter to want allll of our attention. While I love snuggles and love from my little one, prepping dinner with a tantrum going on isn’t ideal. So, I try to do two things, involve her with the meal prep. I let her stir something. She loves it. Or I provide a bowl and spoon for her to pretend cook. I also have seen the little stools that allow your little one to help right next to you. We don’t have one of those. But, I would love one in the future! We also turn music on and have a dance party. This usually lightens the mood and helps make dinner time prep more special and fun. It doesn’t always work. But when it does, it is fun and usually helps the tantrum from happening. You can view my favorite dinner playlist here. It’s perfect for a dinner party with friends or a toddler dance party in the kitchen! Note: this was originally made for a dinner party playlist. So, I usually skip over one of the songs for little ears.

I hope these tips help! Know you aren’t alone if you are also navigating mom life!


Go-to Breakfast


Self Care